Mind Your Behind

Contact the PAC Study Team

Study Team at the Medical College of Wisconsin

Clinical Research Coordinator

Bridgett Brzezinski, MA
bbrzezinski@mcw.edu or (414) 882-0131

Principal Investigator

Alan Nyitray, PhD
anyitray@mcw.edu or (414) 805-3312

Contact Us & Get Involved

For scientists: If you are a trained investigator and have an interest in working with a de-identified data set (no data is ever shared that could identify any individual) to help us report the results of the PAC Study, please email Dr. Alan Nyitray at anyitray@mcw.edu. Fully de-identified datasets and data dictionary will be shared with properly trained investigators within one year of study completion after assessment of institutional policies, Medical College of Wisconsin Human Research Protections Program rules, as well as local, state, Tribal and federal laws and regulations.